Bookham and District U3A
Bookham and District U3A

These are the contact details for the Bookham u3a Committee

Listed below are details of the Committee who were either voted at the October 2023 AGM or co-opted at the subsequent Committee Meeting. Please contact the Chair if you are interested in any of the three vacancies below or would like to offer any other help. We are a friendly Committee and would welcome any new members.

 Phil Brown



 Vice Chair


 Gillian Arnold


   Chris Pullan


   Pat Mander

 Minutes Secretary

     Peter Osborne

 Assistant Treasurer

 Liz Looney

 Membership Secretary

  Kim Kitson

Assistant Membership Secretary

 Chris Middleton

 Groups Co-ordinator

   Harold Reglar

 Events Support

   Frank Cross

 Speakers Secretary

     Viv Bignell

 Publicity Officer

 Carol Stilwell


   Maurice Baker

 Senior Moments Editor




Assistant Webmaster





Social Secretary